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Encounters in the early days of campaigns are harrowing and exciting.在运动初期邂逅是悲惨的,令人振奋。 Nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment that comes from overcoming a real threat by the skin of your teeth.没有什么比的成就感,从克服了由你的牙齿真正的威胁来自皮肤。

As your PCs get more powerful, though, this old zest might fade.当你的电脑变得越来越强大,但是,这个老热情便会消失。 The joy of desperation and the excitement of winning begin to disappear as the group cruises through encounters without feeling threatened.在绝望的喜悦和打赢开始通过接触组巡航消失而不感到兴奋的威胁。 There is hope though, as you'll see below.虽然有希望,你会看到如下。 Following are a few ideas for making mooks deadly for even tough parties.以下是做好更强硬各方mooks致命的一些想法。


1。 Wear Down Resources消磨资源
Use strategy, tactics and missiles to whittle away PC health while causing pain and frustration.使用的战略,战术和导弹可能削弱电脑健康,而造成的痛苦和沮丧。 This makes the character's fantastic +5 Holy Avenger into overkill; smiting the evil ones is suddenly using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.这使得进入矫枉过正人物的幻想5神圣复仇者;惩戒邪恶的突然用大锤牛刀。 Make them also waste spells, magic, oil, holy water, etc.使他们也浪费魔法,魔术,石油,圣水等

Have whoever gave them directions to get here be hopelessly wrong or even evil, but now out of reach.谁给了他们已指示来到这里是无可救药错误的,甚至邪恶的,但现在无法实现。

Maximise frustration, minimise abilities.最大挫折,减少能力。 Have the mini- enemy insult the character, and also have him beaned by a rock; only one hit point is lost, but the player feels singled out.有小型敌人侮辱的性质,也有他的石头珠绣,只有一击中的是丢失,但球员感到特别指出。 Make sure the monster seems uncannily accurate.确保怪物似乎惊人地准确。

Make the most powerful character, who thinks himself indestructible and invulnerable, feel vulnerable and even targeted.让最强大的性格,谁认为自己坚不可摧和无懈可击,感到无助,甚至有针对性。 And make his ripostes seem useless; there is nothing worse than getting shot at when you cannot fight back effectively.使他的ripostes似乎无用,没有什么比这更糟糕的越来越杆当你无法有效反击。

This has the added advantage that each foe they dispatch -at possibly high cost to themselves - nets them a relatively low reward in terms of treasure and the experience.这样做的好处,每个敌人,他们派遣的高成本可能对自己- -网他们的财富和经验上相对较低的回报。

Contempt can also be a useful tool.蔑视也可以是一个有用的工具。 If players despise the lowly attackers, they are more likely to get careless and more likely to allow lost tempers to cloud judgment - how dare these pesky little blighters challenge real men?如果玩家鄙视卑贱的攻击者,他们更可能得到不小心,更容易让脾气失去了对云的判断-如何敢这些讨厌的小blighters挑战真正的男人?


2。 Terrain and Traps地形和陷阱
Have the contemptible mini-attackers use missile weapons, ambushes, or preset traps towards which they herd the PCs. Caltrops, rockslides, collapsing floors and pits.有卑鄙迷你使用导弹武器攻击,伏击,或预设的陷阱,他们对牛群的个人电脑。菱角,岩崩,地面和矿井坍塌。

Have archers and crossbowmen use cover and surprise, lie down or kneel, and open fire from a high and impregnable position.有弓箭手和弩手利用覆盖和惊讶,躺下或跪,从高,立于不败之地开火。 With any luck your PCs will waste time, hit points and energy trying to take a position by frontal assault, before trying to figure a way around it.幸运的话您的电脑将浪费时间,生命值和能源试图通过采取正面进攻的情况,才尝试数字周围的方法。


3. 3。 Combat Maneuvers and Strategy作战演习与策略
Charge and swarm tactics by even the smallest or lowliest of opponents can take down an overconfident character.费和群体战术,即使是最小的或对手最低级可以带着一个过于自信的性格。 Above all, remember there are a lot of them.最重要的是,记得有很多他们。

Nets, ropes, and tripwires can immobilize characters or render them helpless.网队,绳索绊可以固定化的字符或令他们束手无策。

Small characters might be swift to claim their bonus to avoid being hit by larger characters.小字符可能会迅速的奖金要求,以避免更大的人物被击中。 Who's to say that smaller, swifter, sneakier goblinoids don't enjoy the same advantage versus that hulking fighter?谁在说小,更快,sneakier goblinoids不享受与该笨重战斗机相同的优势?

Even an extra point, or better, two, in defense will make them that much more elusive.即使是一个额外的点,或更好,二,国防将使他们更加难以捉摸。


4。 An Edge边缘
Give your monster some relatively tiny advantage - what the old-time gunfighters used to call an edge.给你的怪物一些比较小的优势-老什么时间gunfighters用于调用的优势。

Perhaps they can fly, if only for short distances.也许他们能飞,哪怕只是很短的距离。 Some form of camouflage ability; can they Blink, or just Hide in Shadows, even become invisible for a short period?有些形式的伪装能力,才能闪烁,或只是隐藏在阴影,甚至成为短期内看不见?

Any of those render them capable of a surprise attack, possibly while a PC, who should be able to shrug off their attacks, is busy attending to several of their mates. Remember that flanking and rear attacks often get bonuses to hit.这些任何使其能够突然袭击,可能在一台PC,谁应该能够摆脱他们的袭击,是忙于应付其配偶几个。记住,侧翼和后方的攻击经常得到奖金达到。


5. 5。 The Battlefield在战场
Have the battle occur in some place that maximizes the creatures' advantages and minimizes those of the PCs.有战斗发生在一些地方,最大限度地提高动物的优点,减少了个人电脑的。 If some obstacle such as magma or a chasm is separating the PCs from their adversaries, have the baddies maximize its use.如果一些如岩浆或鸿沟的障碍是他们的对手分开的个人电脑,有坏人最大化的使用。

Even better, if the enemy is atop a mesa or cliff, the PCs need to climb to reach their adversaries, leaving them at a disadvantage when they reach the summit; they must spend at least a few moments reorganising themselves before battle is joined.更妙的是,如果敌人之上一台地或峭壁的电脑需要攀升,达到他们的对手,使他们处于不利地位时,他们到达顶峰,他们必须花费至少改组前加入自己的战斗几分钟。 Have the monsters attack while the PCs are busy climbing and sorting themselves out.有怪物的攻击,而电脑在忙于登山和整理自己的实力。

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6. 6。 Forethought深谋远虑
Planning ahead doesn't only apply to dragons.规划未来并不只适用于龙。 Just because they're only kobolds doesn't make them stupid.仅仅因为他们只狗头人并不能让他们愚蠢。

They will know the terrain in which they live, and will have taken steps to fortify it.他们知道的地形他们生活,并会采取措施,强化它。 They might set up cover, pre-laid traps, or blocked escape routes or attack routes that nevertheless seem inviting.他们可能会设立覆盖,预先埋设陷阱,或阻止走火通道或攻击路线,但似乎邀请。

If the PCs don't take enough trouble with reconnaissance, it is their own fault.如果不采取电脑与侦察足够的麻烦,这是他们自己的过错。 Secret passages can be a two-edged sword; as well as leading the party in behind enemy lines, they can quite easily lead to an attack on your own vulnerable rear.秘密通道可以是一把双刃剑,以及领导敌后方,他们可以很容易导致你自己脆弱的后方攻击。

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7. 7。 I Got Friends我得到了朋友
Maybe the crafty kobolds have befriended someone or something a lot bigger than they are.也许狡猾的狗头人已经结识某人或某事很多比他们大。 Who's to say that just around the corner from their hidey-hole, in what looks like an inviting route to sneak up on the pesky creatures, they haven't installed (or at least made a pact with) a brutal and bestial ogre?谁在说,就在他们hidey角洞,在什么像一个邀请路线偷袭行动的讨厌的动物看起来,他们并没有安装(或至少是在与协议)的残暴和野蛮的鬼?

He, she or it is willing to cooperate to some extent because the kobolds have promised him that if he lays off them, they'll do their best to lead succulent adventuring parties right to his front door.他,她还是愿意合作,在一定程度上是因为狗头人已向他保证,如果他把这些规定,他们将尽最大努力带领肉质冒险当事人有权他的前门。

They might even promise him the lion's share of the loot.甚至他们会答应他的大部分份额的战利品。 If you are only two feet tall, a double headed axe twice your own height is not much use to you, nor is a two handed sword; but the ogre could use it, if only to trim his fingernails.如果你只有两个英尺高,一双头斧两次自己的身高是没有多大用处的你,也不是一两个双手剑,但怪物可以使用它,只要他的指甲修剪。

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8. 8。 Illusion错觉
Not necessarily magical.不一定神奇。 Remember these little buggers know their home turf, and have had plenty of time to think out ideas to defend it, and to make the lives of those invading it nasty, brutish and short.记住这些小家伙知道自己的主场,并有足够的时间思考的思路来保护它,并利用它入侵人们的生活肮脏,野蛮和短。

Perhaps there is a cave somewhere where the voice of even a kobold echoes like that of a god?也许有一个山洞里那里甚至像神的小鬼回荡? One could hide there, hurling the most vile of insults; "stunty" to a dwarf, "pointy-ears" to an elf.人们可以隐藏目前,李登辉抛出的最恶劣的侮辱,“stunty”一个侏儒,“尖头的耳朵”的一个小精灵。

Don't overdo this, but if some fact about the adventurers is in your opinion obvious from their appearance, let the voice use it, giving the impression of supernatural knowledge.不要过分,但如果对某些事实的冒险家,您认为从外观明显的是,让使用它的声音,给人的印象超自然的知识。

To further that illusion, might they not leave the aforementioned axe or double handed sword in plain view, fostering the impression that whatever is making all the noise is big or mean enough not to need such a weapon, and has simply discarded it?为了进一步的幻觉,可能他们不会离开上述开刀或双交剑纯认为,培养的印象,无论是使所有噪音大或不意味着需要足够的这种武器,并已换下来了吗?

And while the party's attention is focused in the direction of the disembodied big voice, the friend from above can attack from the other direction.虽然党的注意,是在离体的大嗓门的重点方向,从上面可以攻击的朋友从另外一个方向。


For Your Game: Magic Item Backstories

1. 1。 Rifle of Magic Missile步枪魔法导弹
From: Tommy来自:汤米

Two factions are about to begin fighting and tensions are high.两派即将开始的战斗和紧张局势是很高的。 During this period forces begin to arm themselves as best as possible.在此期间部队开始武装自己最佳的可能。 An alchemist or mage offers the PCs' side certain rifles that never miss their mark.一个方士或法师提供电脑'方某步枪从未错过了印记。 This suddenly shifts the advantage towards the one side.这突然的变化对某一方面的优势。

This is a problem.这是一个问题。 The mage/alchemist is an enemy of the PCs and by selling his rifles he is going to gain large amounts of wealth and power.在法师/方士是对个人电脑的敌人,他的步枪出售他将获得财富和权力的大量资金。 This is something that would definitely be harmful in the future.这是值得肯定会在未来有害的。

The PCs are therefore left two choices: allow him to gain power and face him in the future, or confront him now and risk him switching sides.因此,在电脑留下两个选择:让他获得权力,面对未来他,或者他现在面对的危险和他倒戈。 They should also consider if they can beat the other side without have his help.它们还应该考虑,如果他们能击败对方有没有他的帮助。


2. 2。 Ring of Sustenance环寄托
From: Brandon Echols来自:布兰登埃科尔斯

A talented sorcerer decides to call it quits after a youthful career of adventuring.作为一名有才华巫师决定把它退出后,年轻的冒险生涯。 Having had enough of life on the road, he retires to his home community for a life of peace and quiet.在听取了足够的道路上的生活,他退休后到他家社会的和平与宁静的生活。 There's just one problem: his beloved ring of sustenance.这里只有一个问题:自己心爱的戒指的寄托。

Over time, he's become so used to having it that he finds it nearly impossible to readjust to requiring food, or drink, or more than a couple hours of sleep every night.随着时间的推移,他变得如此习惯于认为,他认为这几乎是不可能的调整要求食肆,或喝酒,或比每晚睡几个小时以上。 Taking it off throws his entire life into chaos, and so he resolves to simply keep it on.取下来扔进他的整个生活混乱,所以他决心只是保持它。

Who wouldn't, when such a problem presents itself?谁不想当这个问题提出了自己? After all, a ring of sustenance is a great little item to have.毕竟,寄托环是一个伟大的小项目有。 Of course it is; as long as you're keeping watch every night in the wilderness, going days without food in a dungeon, and crossing great deserts by night.当然是,只要你保持在旷野观看每天晚上,要在一个没有食物地牢天,晚上穿越大沙漠。

Living in a small town is a bit different.在小城镇生活有点不同。 The common folk - not knowing the ways of magic, especially sorcery - being to make subtle warding signs when he passes, because they never see him eat or drink.共同的民俗-不知道的魔法,特别是巫术的方法-以微妙而当他经过抵挡的迹象,因为他们再也看不到他吃喝。 The lamps stay lit in his home all night.点燃的灯留在家里过夜。 When he dines at someone's home, he acts as if food and wine are foreign concepts - as if he has not eaten in a long, long time.当他在别人家家族共进晚餐,他的行为仿佛食物和葡萄酒的地方-如果他不是在很长一段时间吃外国的概念。

He is never seen in the local food market.从来没有见过他在当地粮食市场。 There is no garden at his house.没有在他家花园。 Eventually, the rumors start.最后,谣言开始。 People begin to suspect that something horrid happened to him on one of his adventures.人们开始怀疑,可怕的事情发生在他的壮举给他。 Local "experts" on the subject suspect he might be some sort of undead creature, or that some fell power has taken hold of him.当地“专家就”怀疑他可能是一些不死生物,排序或某些下跌国已注意到他的控制。

Slowly - so slowly he barely notices - he becomes an outcast within his own community.慢慢地-如此缓慢,他几乎觉察不到-他成为自己的社区内的弃儿。 The somewhat-bizarre behavior of sorcerers does not help his case, and it doesn't take much for a mob to form after a few men get particularly drunk and brazen in a local tavern.在有些的巫师怪异的行为无助于他的案件,并且不采取非常的暴民形成后,几个人,尤其是酗酒得到公然在当地酒馆。 Taking farm implements and torches to his home, they crash through the gate and drag him into the street.以农具和热量将通过他的家门口,他们崩溃并拖到街上他。

Although he tries to explain that "it's just my ring!"虽然他试图解释说:“这只是我的戒指!” the people are in no mood to have their suspicions allayed, and he ends up being driven out of town by the horde of armed citizens.人民是没有心情扫除了他们的怀疑,他最终被驱逐出城,武装公民抢夺。 A hundred spells come into his mind, but he is too good of a man to use them on the townsfolk.甲100法术生效主意,但他是一个人过好使用乡亲他们。 Later, he watches from a nearby hilltop as his house and all his treasured possession are turned to ash.后来,他从一个手表他家附近的山头和他的所有眷恋都转向灰。

That's when something dark and twisted awakens within him, and he vows to get revenge.这时候的东西在他的黑暗和扭曲醒来,他发誓要复仇。 He decides he'll never lose anything, ever again, because of his simple-minded morality. He begins to wonder if such things as "law" and "ethics" and "common decency" are what have been holding him back for so long.他决定,他永远不会失去任何东西,以后再因为他头脑简单的道德。他开始怀疑是否事物的“法律”和“伦理”和“共同道德标准”是什么一直在举行了这么久他回。

All because he did not want to take off a simple, innocent, little ring.都是因为他不想起飞一个简单的,无辜的,小环。


3. 3。 Dwarven Cure Potions矮人治疗药剂
From: Brent Jans来自:布伦特日益拥堵

Far and wide the dwarven people are renowned for the strength and unique tastes of their brews.甚广的矮人人闻名的实力和他们的酿酒独特的品味。 While everyone can name at least one dwarvish ale, porter or stout, few outsiders are aware this same love of brewing is present among dwarven clerics.虽然人人都可以说出至少一个dwarvish啤酒,搬运工或结实,很少有外人知道这同样的爱酿造中矮人神职人员存在。

Competition - friendly and otherwise - is fierce between the clerics of the various dwarven deities to see who can brew the most flavourful, and above all, potent, potions.竞争-友好和其他-是激烈,各矮人神的神职人员,看看谁能够酿造最有味,首先,有力,药水。

Although each faith can lay claim to superior brewing of one or two more exotic (expensive) potions, it is the humble curative potions that inspire the hottest competition. Clerics vie continuously to create better tasting and more powerful curative potions than their brethren of other faiths.虽然每个信仰可以宣称自己的一个或两个以上外来(昂贵的)上级酝酿药剂,这是谦虚的治疗药剂的激励最热的竞争。教士争夺,不断创造更好的味道比其他信仰的兄弟更强大的治疗药水。

Holy festivals are held so that each church may present its best brews for judgment.圣节的举办,使每一个教会可能提出其酿造最好的判断。 In this way churches gain prestige both for their brews and their deity.这样既教会他们酿造和神获得威望。

The Hook: Shortly before one such holy festival, the Head Brewer of the Church of Moradin goes missing.钩:前不久这样一个神圣的节日,该教会的负责人对Moradin布鲁尔就不复存在了。 He was working on a secret curative brew that he had assured his superiors would win them the festival competition.当时他正在一个秘密治疗,他已经向他的上司会赢得他们的电影节竞争酿造。

Naturally, suspicion falls on the other churches.当然,怀疑落在其他教堂。 Not that they would hurt a fellow cleric, no; but they might "misplace" him until after the competition.不,他们会伤害同伴教士,没有,但他们可能“错位”,直到比赛后他。 But was it one of the other clerical orders, or is there something more going on?但当时的情况之一,其他文书的订单,还是有更多的东西怎么回事? And what the heck is in that secret brew?什么,到底是酿造的秘密?


4. 4。 Food-fixing Buttons食品操纵按钮
From: Aaron Bianco来自:艾伦比安科

The wine waiter at the expensive restaurant rolls over a small cabinet with several wine bottles inside.在过去的一个酒瓶内的几个小内阁昂贵的餐馆卷的葡萄酒侍者。 He offers the patron a sip of a bottle and ask if it OK, or if he would want something slightly sweeter, or dryer, to suit his tastes.他提供了赞助了一个瓶子一口,问是否确定,或者如果他希望的东西略有甜味,或烘干机,以满足他的口味。

As this expensive restaurant is all about style, atmosphere and wealth, the waiter tugs on his cuffs to bring down his sleeves and reaches in to grab another bottle for the patron to sample.由于这昂贵的餐厅是所有关于风格,大气和财富,在他的袖口服务员拖船以降低他的袖子,抓住另一瓶抽样赞助达到。 Once the patron is satisfied with the sample, the waiter again straightens his appearance and then bends his knees to get the unopened new bottle from the bottom rack of the mobile cabinet.一旦赞助人与样本满意,服务员再次拉直他的外表,然后弯曲膝盖得到从货架移动柜底部的未开封的新瓶。

Unbeknownst to the patrons, the wine waiter is adjusting the dryness of the wines using the magic cufflinks.瞒着顾客,葡萄酒侍者是调整使用的魔力袖扣葡萄酒干燥。

This is not the only magical jewelry that operated in this five star establishment.这是不是唯一的魔法首饰,在这5星级酒店经营。 However, one of the owners has gone missing and taken the other pieces with him.然而,一名业主已不翼而飞,他采取的其他部分。

Each of the other items was a button on his shirt which, when activated, changed the food in one of several ways. Each button on the shirt has a flat face with the following symbols: an orange, a honeycomb shape, a type of pepper (almost like a zucchini), a spider web pattern, several round circles with very numerous circles of smaller and smaller shape.其他每件物品都对他的衬衣,当启动按钮,改变了几个方法之一食物。衬衫上的每个按钮具有以下标志的平面面对:橙,蜂窝形状,胡椒类型(几乎像一个南瓜),蜘蛛网图案,几个非常众多各界越来越小的圆形圈。

These buttons, when pressed, affect food in the following ways:这些按钮,一旦按下,影响食物以下列方式:

Increase the "orange" flavor in a food or drink增加了“橙色”的味道在食物或饮料
Sweeten a food or drink with a honey flavor怀柔一食物或饮料的味道与蜂蜜
Increase the spiciness (heat) of a food or drink增加辣味(热的食物或饮料)
Detect poison检测毒
Made a drink effervescent制造饮料泡腾
Alas, the owner who always "sampled" a food from the kitchen to make sure it was to the "personal tastes" of the patron, has gone missing.唉,谁是老板总是“样本”,从厨房里的食物,以确保它的“个人品味的靠山”,已经失踪。 It is important to not only find out what happened to him, but to get the buttons back.重要的是,不仅了解他的遭遇,但得到的按钮回来。



1. 1。 Alternative to Candles替代蜡烛
From: Jeff来自:杰夫

One alternative to real candles are the many varieties of battery powered candles now on the market.一个替代方案是真正的蜡烛和电池供电市场上的蜡烛现在许多品种。 From small tea lights to tapers and larger pillar candles.从小型茶灯,锥形蜡烛和较大的支柱。 Safer because there is not hot flame to deal with.更安全,因为没有热火焰处理。 Especially if the game host has pets or small children in the house.尤其是当游戏主机已在家里的宠物或小孩。


2. 2。 D&D 4E Resource龙与地下城4E条资源
From: Mike Evans来自:迈克埃文斯

I don't know if you've ever been to this site or not, but it has some good helpful sheets for 4 players.我不知道你是否去过本网站或没有,但是它有一些优秀的球员为4有用的表。

Thought I would pass along the love!以为我传递的爱!

Dragon Avenue D&D 4E Resources 龙大道龙与地下城4E条资源


3. 3。 Gaming Podcasts游戏播客
From: Paul Ramer来自:保罗拉默尔

Check out Role Playing Public Radio (available free on iTunes).进行角色扮演公共广播电台检查(iTunes提供免费)。 They have some sessions of live games recorded as well as other content.他们直播比赛的一些会议记录以及其他内容。

The official DnD podcast is also pretty good (on iTunes). It's now obviously always 4th edition but still worth checking out.该官员免打扰播客也不错(在iTunes)。现在它显然会第4版,但仍然值得检查。

From: Jason Schaumberg来自:贾森绍姆堡

I listen to a number of excellent RPG podcasts.我听优秀RPG游戏播客数量。 Fear the Boot, Have Games Will Travel, All Games Considered are all excellent.恐惧的启动,将前往有游戏,所有的游戏都是优秀的考虑。

For actual play I'd recommend Role Playing Public Radio first and foremost.实际玩我建议你角色扮演公共广播电台首先。

From: Johnn来自:Johnn

A few more actual gameplay podcasts or audio files:一些更实际的游戏播客或音频文件:

RPGMP3.com/ RPGMP3.com /
Gameplay - Kore New Media Podcast 游戏-是枝新媒体播客
RPGPodcasts.com RPGPodcasts.com
The Walking Eye 走眼的
Adventures of the Ottawa Warband 冒险渥太华瓦尔班德
The Game Master Show 游戏大师展
Robertson Games 罗伯逊游戏
Return to Northmoor 返回Northmoor
The Gutter Skypes! 的排水沟Skypes!


4. 4。 My Favorite RPG - Mythworld我的最爱RPG游戏 - Mythworld
From: Paul Cardwell来自:保罗卡德威尔

Mythworld is one of those little desktop jobs you won't find in the game stores, but still has an abundance of ideas to improve the state of the art in game design. Mythworld是那些小的桌面工作,你不会找到游戏商店之一,但仍然具有丰富的思想,以提高在游戏设计的艺术品。 It was originally designed as a proposal for RuneQuest 3, but was rejected as being too detailed.它最初是设计作为RuneQuest 3的建议,但被驳回,因为过于详细。

The game is sub-titled Realistic Fantasy.这场比赛是次名为现实幻想。 This is not an oxymoron.这不是一种矛盾的说法。 The laws of physics are relatively intact. Except for the traditional fantasy factors of polytheism, magic, and many intelligent species, it is like our world in the early iron age.物理定律是相对完整。除对多神崇拜,魔术传统幻想的因素,许多聪明的物种,这就像我们在早期铁器时代的世界。 Many players base their characters on actual cultures.许多球员的基础上实际文化的字符。

Mythworld is easy to learn. Mythworld简单易学。 If you don't know the rule, you can usually figure it out.如果你不知道的规则,通常可以数字出来。 After a character is generated, about the only chart a player will consult is in the unhappy event of rolling a fumble.一个字符之后产生,就只有图表球员会谘询正在滚动一摸索不愉快的事。 Charts are for the players to make characters and for the scenarist to determine the weather and other natural phenomena that may affect the story.图表是对球员进行字符和编剧,以确定气候和其他自然现象可能影响的故事。 Otherwise, they are not used in playing the game.否则,他们不是用在玩游戏。

There no levels for the character, only for their different skills, which are on a percentage-to-accomplish basis.这个人物有没有水平,只是不同的技能,以百分比是对完成的基础。 These skills can be improved either by training or experience.这些技能可以提高透过训练或经验。 The effect of the thousand meter fall depends on terminal velocity, not "level" (yes, it is covered in the rules and is in metric - the math is easier).在1000米下跌的影响,取决于终端速度,而不是“级别”(是的,这是在规则所和度量-数学是比较容易)。 Characters can get injured.人物可以受伤。 They don't carry on as though nothing happened until the last hit point is used and then drop dead.他们不把好像什么都没有发生,直到最后击中点使用,然后下降死亡。 They can lose abilities and even consciousness and still survive. Beginning and experienced characters (or players) can participate in the same game with no problem.他们可以失去的能力,甚至意识,仍然生存。开始,经验丰富的字符(或球员)可以在相同的游戏参加没有问题。

All characters have a trade and a religion.所有字符有贸易和宗教。 Trades come in handy at the oddest moments in an adventure and the religion is the source of magic ability, with some spells that are unique to that religion.行业派上用场在冒险最奇怪的时刻和宗教是神奇能力的来源,有些法术所特有的宗教。 These are covered in the books on Skills, Spells, and Outfitter.这些书籍涵盖了对技能,魔法和服装提供商。

The Bestiary has such useful details as actual movement speeds, life-cycle chronology, population density, etc., and was once used by the Dallas Museum of Natural History for an Olympics tie-in exhibit on animal running speed and jumping distances because it was the only single place with those details.在动物寓言已成为实际的移动速度,生命周期年代,人口密度等,这些有用的详情,以及曾经使用了达拉斯自然史博物馆为配合奥运会的运行速度动物展览和跳跃的距离,因为它是只有一个地方的这些细节。 There are even permission-used Gloranthan critters left over from the game's RuneQuest ancestry.甚至有许可使用的Gloranthan遗留下来的小动物游戏的RuneQuest祖先了。

There is no alignment.没有对齐。 Real people don't have it, but are a mess of sometimes conflicting loyalties to self, family, nation, religion, job, political party, hobbies, and other groups.真正的人没有,但有时是一种自我矛盾的忠诚,家庭,民族,宗教,职业,政党,爱好混乱,和其他群体。 Game characters should be just as complex.游戏人物应该是同样复杂。

There are no experience points for the nasty referee to hand out or withhold as the mood strikes - or more precisely, EPs are intrinsic in the game.有讨厌的裁判对没有经验点失控或不作为罢工的情绪-或更确切地说,每股收益在游戏中固有的。 Learning can be by experience, there is the lawful loot obtained in an adventure that may be used directly or has monetary value, and there is income from one's trade.可以通过学习经验,是在一个合法掠夺可直接使用或已取得货币价值的冒险,而且从一个贸易收入。 All can be used to obtain training, equipment, and supplies, but training takes time as well as money.都可以用来获得培训,设备和供应品,但训练需要时间和金钱。

Mythworld is anti-hack'n'slash. Mythworld是反hack'n'slash。 The adventurer operates under far more restrictive rules than a modern bounty hunter.下运作的冒险家比现代赏金猎人更为严格的规则。 A live prisoner is worth ten times that of a dead one.一个活生生的囚犯的价值10倍死之一。 Many adventures will have no combat at all.许多冒险就没有战斗力的。

Character generation takes time - which is often intimidating to beginning players.字符一代的时间-这是恐吓往往在开始的球员。 The character sheet is four pages, although one is for mounts and most of another is equipment inventory.字符表是四页,但一个是坐骑和其他大部分设备清单。 However, you will start with a well- rounded character - a bit weak in some essential skills, but they will develop.但是,您将首先是一个成熟的特点-在一些基本技能稍差,但他们发展。 Once, at a convention, we discovered the handout characters were missing so three experienced players generated ten fully developed and detailed characters in one hour to make the event.有一次,参加会议,我们发现了失踪的讲义特征进行了3次有经验的球员中产生的10全面发展和详细的文字在一小时内,使事件。

Cooperation between PCs and often NPCs is essential.个人电脑之间的合作,往往参项是至关重要的。 There is at least one NPC essential to the success of the mission, so violence is never a first choice.至少有一名全国人大必不可少的任务的成功,所以暴力从来就不是第一选择。 There is an established way to divide loot (weaker gets the item most needed to correct the weakness).有一种固定的形式来划分抢劫(弱最需要得到纠正弱点的项目)。 There is a lot of teaching of skills within the group since that keeps the money in the group and thus increases the power of the group as a whole.有一种技能教学组内,因为这组中保持货币,从而提高了整个群体的权力很大。 Indeed, the most unrealistic aspect of Mythworld is that one can often make more money teaching than from the loot on an adventure.的确,Mythworld最不切实际的方面是,经常可以更比上一次冒险掠夺金钱教学。

Disease and injury exist.疾病和损伤的存在。 There is even coverage of altitude sickness for those stupid enough to seek a hippogriff egg (hippogriffs are viviparous).甚至有高原反应覆盖那些愚蠢地寻求骏鹰蛋(hippogriffs是胎生)。 Resuscitation exists, but is not the cheap grace of D&D.复苏存在,但不是在D&D.廉价恩典 It requires a shaman capable and willing to perform the ceremony, and is dangerous to both the shaman and the PC.它需要巫师能够并愿意履行仪式,同时有危险的巫师和PC。

There is an introduction scenario in the boxed set, and three separate scenarios have been published, with more on the way once the revision is complete.有一个在介绍情况的盒装,以及三种不同的情况与已公布的道路上多,一旦修订完成。 Of course, those for other game systems can be adapted with varying degrees of difficulty.当然,其他的游戏系统,可以适应,不同难度的。

The game is currently in revision (the first since the original in 1985), but includes an update of the changes so far in testplaying the revision.游戏目前正在修改(第一次,由于原1985年),但包括了更新的变化迄今testplaying修订。 Assistance in testplaying is welcome.在testplaying援助是值得欢迎的。 Further questions and order requests can be directed by e-mail to hippogriffpub@yahoo.com .进一步的问题和秩序的要求,可通过电子邮件向hippogriffpub@yahoo.com


5. 5。 Simple Game Master Improvement Process简单的游戏大师工艺的改进
From: Loz Newman来自:洛日纽曼

To paraphrase the immortal Alan Demming:的意思是不朽的艾伦戴明:

*Perceive* a need * *需要感知
*Develop* a potential improvement *发展*一个潜在的改进
*Check* its effects *检查的影响*
Repeat steps 1 to 3 in order to *Act* to correct the unwanted side-effects or install more improvements.重复步骤1至3,以*法*纠正不必要的副作用或安装更多的改进。
(Optional) Raise your base-line acceptable minimum to meet new standards. (可选)提高您的基线可接受的最低限度,以应付新的标准。
Repeat 1 to 5 as needed to continuously improve.重复1至5需要不断提高。


6. 6。 Post-Apocalyptic Weaponry后启示录武器装备
From: BetraM来自:BetraM

re: Roleplaying Tips Issue #445回复: 角色扮演提示问题#445

Good day,日安,

I was just looking at Issue #445, and noticed the part on post-apocalyptic weaponry.我只是看问题#445,并注意到了后世界末日武器的一部分。

It reminded me of a chat I had with a friend once, over the absurd level of technology featured in some games, such as the Fallout series.这使我想起一个聊天我跟一位朋友曾经对在一些游戏特色技术,如尘系列荒谬的水平,我。 There were basically 3 levels: spear- chucking tribals, then a sudden leap to just-pre-war weaponry, and then the slightly futuristic laser/plasma weapons.基本上有三个层次:矛部落夹具,然后突然飞跃刚刚战前武器,然后稍微未来激光/等离子武器。

It was kind of weird that most of society was seemingly still perfectly content with the supplies the past had given them, with minimal production.这是奇怪的,社会的大多数似乎仍是完全与过去曾提供给他们以最少的生产,这类内容。 There was no middle-thing between the tribals and the 21st century.有没有中间,部落之间,21世纪的事情。

I would like to point the distinguished GM to degenesis.com, home of a German indie RPG, (translation in progress) centered around a post-apocalyptic Europe, one of the meteor-struck kind.我想一点尊敬的全球机制degenesis.com,家庭的德国独立的RPG游戏,(翻译中)附近后世界末日的欧洲,对流星一类为中心的袭击。 It has a very interesting Bazaar chapter that assigns to all items a tech-level, which a city must have reached to produce any given item.它有一个非常有趣的集市章,分配给所有项目中技术水平,这一个城市必须达到产生任何项目。

The levels are fairly simple:水平相当简单:

Nomadic tribes, items mostly made of stone and bone游牧部落,项目大部分由石器,骨器
Junk gets molten and turned into tools, nails allow the construction of buildings and ships, swords and farms垃圾得到熔化并变成工具,指甲允许建筑物和舰队,剑和农场建设
Early muskets and cannons, manufactures早期火枪和大炮,制造
Automated conveyor belt production, modern guns自动输送带生产,现代枪
Actual computer networks, possibly even government- sponsored education实际的计算机网络,甚至可能是政府资助的教育
Magical fairy wonderland, pre-war cities神奇的童话仙境,战前的城市
The possibilities are quite interesting; imagine desert rangers coming across a Napoleonic army, or a band of Libyan slavers cutting down knights on horseback with WWII era machine guns.可能性是相当有趣,想像未来的沙漠护林跨越拿破仑军队,或削减与二战时期机枪马背上的骑士利比亚奴隶乐队。 I for one also enjoyed parts of the fluff text, some of it was quite atmospheric.我是还得到了绒毛文本的地区之一,其中有一些是相当的大气。

There are levels of technology between the stone age and the 21st century.有技术水平之间的石器时代,二十一世纪。 Use them in post-apocalyptic games.使用后他们毁灭性的游戏。


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